“To support one million women in empowerment, spiritual growth and ass kicking personal development so they can live their best life ever!”

— Kelli, Raw and Real Women 

Ok Sister, It’s about to get REAL

Raw & Real to be exact.

Have you ever noticed that year after year you keep repeating the same patterns, keep going through the same motions, keep telling yourself, this year it’s going to be different, but it never is?

Same crappy relationship, same horrible job that you hate, same judgmental feelings about your body, same underwhelming results in your business, same underwhelming life!

What the hell right!

Why can’t you get out of your own way and take action to change your life? To create a life that you absolutely love?

Conditioned Emotional & Behavioural Patterning my love!

That’s Why!

And it's not your fault.  Because no one has ever taught you how to be any different.

But I can help you change all that.

My name is Kelli and my Soul Purpose is to Empower, Nurture and Support wholeness and healing for Women who want to ditch the shit and toxicity from their lives and take aligned action to really create what they desire and deserve.

Through my programs, I will support you to journey deeply to bridge the connection between your mind, body and spirit and finally clear toxicity from your life.  

My programs are Raw & Real and are designed so you can get out of your own way, change your emotional patterning and finally liberate your life.  These programs are specifically designed for you to finally clear the toxicity and negative patterns from your life, whether it’s relationships, shame, fear, rage, judgement or drama, my programs will challenge you to finally step up and stop taking shit (or creating it) so you can finally create the life you know you deserve.

I am Global Leader in Mindset Mastery & Women’s Empowerment, Master Energetic Healer and Spiritual Coach who will work with you to drill down into your biggest fears and conditioned beliefs, so you can get Raw with your Truth and finally get Real with yourself. 

Essentially I will provide you with the tools you need to fully immerse yourself in an authentic life that brings you complete fulfillment.  My work is deeply entrenched in Mindset Mastery, to support you to finally get control of your Ego-Mind and see what’s really driving your behaviours so you can make conscious changes and decisions to finally find your truth and create your own adventures in life.  

My programs breach the space between spirituality and practicality and offer clear, concise actions that create clarity and ultimate ideal outcomes.  No matter where you’re toxicity is being created or held, its important to remember, you can release it and until such times as you do, you will remain in the same cycles, playing out over and over again, whether it's relationships, business, career or inner negative dialogue.

And so, if you’re tired of playing out the same patterns in your life, if you continue to make the same mistakes or if you already know that you need to make a connection with something bigger, then you absolutely must join the Raw and Real Tribe and contact me to find out how I will support your greatest journey in your life.

And Remember...

Next Steps…

So if you’ve decided that you finally want to, need to, absolutely have to change your emotional patterns so you can finally change your life, then jump in the tribe by signing up to the newsletter below, so you can keep up-to-date with all my programs and upcoming workshops.

And if you want to work with me privately, you can contact me via email at: kelli@rawandrealwomen.com

About Kelli image
Kelli Brockman

Kelli is a global leading Mindset & Women’s Empowerment Expert, Master Energetic Healer and High Performance and Soul Shifts Coach

Creatrix of Raw and Real Women, a Global Women’s Empowerment Network.

“Go beyond the illusions of your ego-mind and be empowered to live your truth” – Kelli Brockman

This is what Kelli lives by in the healing and empowerment of women across the globe.

For over 15 years Kelli has been unleashing and igniting women to silence their inner critic and step into their full feminine power. Kelli’s passion and focus is to help women to move out of conformity and mediocrity and uncover their fundamental nature as a feminine women in her wholeness.

She is tired of seeing women play small, maintain conditioned patriarchal beliefs and play out behaviours because of other people’s expectations.

She is out to expose the myths that have taken residence in women’s subconscious minds and to unmask the false beliefs and labels that women give themselves. Lifting the veil on their misconceptions and providing space for women to fully embrace their power.

Kelli’s wish for all women is that they accept and embrace their full feminine power and be emboldened to take life on, on their own terms and create a life of Soul aligned passion.

Kelli has stepped out of society’s expectations of conformity to help women fully step into their greatness and now she is supporting other women to do the same.

So join Kelli in the Raw and Real Community to get a whole pile of hints and tips to finally uncover your core truth and spend time with other women who are in the same space as you and are looking for something more in their lives.

Share space with your Sacred Sisters and feel supported in a community of like minded women who are holding space for you to rediscover who you are at your core truth and what you truly want in your life.

When you join the Raw and Real Community you will also stay up to date with all the latest news, workshops and events.

  • Forest Lake Brisbane, Queensland, Australia